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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

What Your Contractor Can't Tell You : The Essential Guide to Building and Renovating (0979983800)

This book equips owners with the information and strategies needed to turn their vision into a home or renovation project that can be executed on time and within budget. Chapters give detailed coverage of critical topics: design options, selecting and supervising the architect and contractor, cost estimates, budgets, plan specifications, contracts, dealing with town officials and keeping track of everything along the way. For each stage of the project there is detailed information on common pitfalls and how to avoid them, as well as insiders' tips which reveal what most contractors can't tell you. This book was previously published by Warner Books (2004) and titled What the "Experts" May Not Tell You About Building or Renovating Your Home. Product details Format Paperback

Dual Coding for Teachers (9781912906253)

As part of the discovery of cognitive science, teachers are waking up to the powers of dual coding - combining words with visuals in your teaching. But cognitive scientists aren't graphic designers, and so their books don't show teachers how to be competent in producing effective visuals. There is a huge gap between what we know about dual coding and the skills needed to practice it effectively in the classroom. Until now.Dual Coding With Teachers is a breakthrough educational book. No other book has been designed with both cognitive science and graphic principles in mind. Every page contains diagrams, infographics, illustrations and graphic organisers. The book is designed to cater for both the busy teacher in a rush, as well as the research-hungry colleague. Over 35 teachers, teacher developers, psychologists and information designers are profiled, each with a double-page spread, highlighting their dual coding practice.The author, Oliver Caviglioli, is uniquely placed to brid

Leitwölfe sein : Liebevolle Führung in der Familie (9783407865038)

Kindern kann nichts Besseres passieren als Eltern, die liebevoll ihre Führungsrolle in der Familie wahrnehmen. Klare Entscheidungen treffen, dabei auch Unpopuläres durchsetzen und zu einem zeitgemäßen Autoritätsverständnis finden - der erfahrene Familientherapeut Jesper Juul ermutigt Mütter und Väter, einen Führungsstil zu entwickeln, an dem alle wachsen: Kleinkind, Teenager und nicht zuletzt die Eltern selbst. Die Neuausgabe wurde um Gespräche zu Schlafproblemen, Geschwisterstreit und weiteren Themen, die eine klare Führung der Erwachsenen verlangen, erweitert. Product details Format Hardback | 232 pages Dimensions

Understanding and Using Linear Programming (9783540306979)

The book is an introductory textbook mainly for students of computer science and mathematics. Our guiding phrase is "what every theoretical computer scientist should know about linear programming". A major focus is on applications of linear programming, both in practice and in theory. The book is concise, but at the same time, the main results are covered with complete proofs and in sufficient detail, ready for presentation in class. The book does not require more prerequisites than basic linear algebra, which is summarized in an appendix. One of its main goals is to help the reader to see linear programming "behind the scenes". Product details Format Paperback | 226 pages

Einführung in die Stadtökologie : Grundzüge des urbanen Mensch-Umwelt-Systems (3825236404)

Was ist Stadtökologie? Was wissen wir über die Natur in der Stadt und wie lassen sich Städte ökologisch gliedern? Welche Rolle spielen Klima, Wasserhaushalt und Boden im urbanen Raum? Welche Pflanzen und Tiere haben sich besonders gut an das Stadtleben angepasst? Wie greifen Stadtbewohner gewollt oder ungewollt in die natürlichen Wechselbeziehungen ein? Welche Bedeutung kommt der Stadtplanung zu und mit welchen Herausforderungen des globalen Wandels müssen Städte zunehmend umgehen? Diese und andere Grundfragen des urbanen Mensch- Umwelt-Systems werden vom Autor ausführlich und anschaulich erläutert. Merksätze in der Randspalte fassen die wichtigsten Inhalte und Erkenntnisse prägnant zusammen, zahlreiche Abbildungen und Tabellen illustrieren die Sachverhalte und erleichtern das Verständnis. Ein Verweissystem mit umfangreichem Literatur- und Stichwortverzeichnis ermöglicht die weitere Vertiefung und das schnelle Auffinden von Informationen. Product d

Life (9780316034418)

The long-awaited autobiography of Keith Richards, guitarist, songwriter, singer, and founding member of the Rolling Stones. With The Rolling Stones, Keith Richards created the songs that roused the world, and he lived the original rock and roll life. Now, at last, the man himself tells his story of life in the crossfire hurricane. Listening obsessively to Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters records, learning guitar and forming a band with Mick Jagger and Brian Jones. The Rolling Stones's first fame and the notorious drug busts that led to his enduring image as an outlaw folk hero. Creating immortal riffs like the ones in Jumping Jack Flash and Honky Tonk Women. His relationship with Anita Pallenberg and the death of Brian Jones. Tax exile in France, wildfire tours of the U.S., isolation and addiction. Falling in love with Patti Hansen. Estrangement from Jagger and subsequent reconciliation. Marriage, family, solo albums and Xpensive Winos, and the road that goes on forever. With his trade

Kotlin In-Depth [Vol-I]: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Multi-Paradigm Language (9789389328585)

Master the concise and expressive power of a pragmatic, multi-paradigm language for JVM, Android and beyond Key FeaturesLanguage fundamentals Object-oriented and functional programming with Kotlin Kotlin standard library Building domain-specific languages Using Kotlin for Web developmentKotlin for Android platform Coroutine-based concurrency DescriptionThe purpose of this book is to guide a reader through the capabilities of Kotlin language and give examples of how to use it for the development of various applications, be it desktop, mobile or Web. Although our primary focus is on JVM and Android, the knowledge we're sharing here, to various extents, applies to other Kotlin-supported platforms such as JavaScript, native and even multi-platform applications.The book starts with an introduction to the language and its ecosystem, which will give you an understanding of the key ideas behind the Kotlin design, introduce you to the Kotlin tooling and present you the basic language syntax

The Midas Touch : World Mythology in Bite-sized Chunks (9781782430353)

This authoritative and fascinating introduction to the legends of history will reintroduce readers to the cyclopes, Minotaur and centaurs of the Ancient Greeks, as well as shedding light on the wider world of mythology. The Midas Touch includes a stunning array of fascinating tales and gets to grips with the ancient stories of Aboriginal, Sumerian, Egyptian, Mesoamerican, Maori, Greek, Roman, Indian, Norse and Japanese cultures, encompassing legends from the most diverse societies and the most ancient cultures from across the globe. In a concise yet comprehensive format, The Midas Touch is a wonderful evocation of the hugely entertaining stories and characters of mythology. Product details Format Hardback | 224 pages

Pois nao : Brazilian Portuguese Course for Spanish Speakers, with Basic Reference Grammar (0292717814)

Spanish speakers can learn Brazilian Portuguese much more rapidly than any other language, and thousands of students have used Antonio Simoes's text/workbook Com licenca: Brazilian Portuguese for Spanish Speakers to make the transition between the two languages. Recognizing the need for a text that incorporates current cultural references and the latest language pedagogy, Simoes now offers Pois nao: Brazilian Portuguese Course for Spanish Speakers, with Basic Reference Grammar. Pois nao contrasts Portuguese and Spanish, which accomplishes two main goals. It teaches the equivalent of one year of college Portuguese in one semester, three times a week, to Spanish speakers who also have a solid understanding of English. Additionally, the book serves as a basic reference guide to Brazilian Portuguese for the same audience. Pois nao can be used by students in the classroom or by independent learners. Users of the book may focus on the drills alone, concentrate on both the explanations an

Short Stories Gen/ Cuentos De LA Ge (9780486436821)

The generation of Spanish artists known as the 98ers, who renounced politics and sought their country's true spirit within its landscape, culture, and character, are well represented here by thirteen stories by five outstanding authors. Four of the stories are by Miguel de Unamuno, the spiritual leader of the Generation of 1898. Among the other authors included here. Ramón del Valle-Inclán was a chief representative of modernismo fiction. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, one of the best-known of these writers (though not usually regarded as an authentic 98er), was a keen observer of peasant life. Pío Baroja, sometimes called the foremost Spanish novelist of the twentieth century, wrote a virile, unadorned prose whose style is reputed to have influenced Hemingway. And "Azorín" (José Martinez Ruiz), represented here with a short novel, has an impressionistic and elliptical style that has been described as a literary counterpart to abstract painting. This dual-language edition featur

Abzocke - Nein Danke! Schlüsseldienst Tipps: Profi Tricks : So verhindern Sie die Schlüsseldienst-Abzocke! (9783741893100)

Mit dem Schlüsseldienst kommt gleich der Schock mit ins Haus. Wer schon einmal 1000 Euro und mehr nur für einen Handgriff bezahlt hat, der fühlt sich betrogen! Dieser einzigartige Ratgeber hilft Ihnen diese fiese Masche zu verhindern. Kurzbeschreibung: So verhindern Sie die Schlüsseldienst-Abzocke! Geben Sie Abzockern keine Chance! Halten Sie sich von der Schlüsseldienst-Mafia fern! Mit "Abzocke - Nein Danke! Schlüsseldienst Tipps" kann jeder sein eigener Öffnungsdienst werden. Mit einfachen Werkzeugen und etwas Geschick lässt sich fast jede Tür öffnen. Ist es wirklich so einfach? JA! Dieses Standardwerk zum Thema Türöffnung zeigt Ihnen, was Sie beachten müssen, wenn Sie Ihr eigener Schlüsseldienst werden wollen. Dieses Wissen ist Gold wert! Ein kurzer Moment der Unachtsamkeit, und schon ist es passiert! Die Tür ist zugefallen! Ab sofort ist dies kein Grund mehr zu verzweifeln. Mit "Abzocke - Nein Danke! Schlüsseldienst Tipps" sind Sie in der Lage sich selbst z

Things You Think About When You Bite Your Nails (9780143134916)

A funny and wise guide and workbook for conquering fears, from the existential to the everyday, and defeating the monster those fears can become: anxiety This is a book about fear. About how it works, how it takes hold over us, and how it dogs us from childhood (the monsters under the bed) to adulthood (careers, relationships, accidentally sending that risky text to the wrong person--all the things that make us want to bite our nails). But this is also a book about that monster our fear can warp into when it grows too powerful, a phenomenon we are all too familiar with and that more and more of us are struggling against: anxiety. Author and illustrator Amalia Andrade had her own battle with anxiety, and not only did she make it out the other side, she learned sometimes it's the very thing that almost sinks you that can save you. Through the lessons, exercises, and often hilarious personal stories Amalia shares in these pages, together you will learn how to make those feelings your

Matched : How to Get Girls on Tinder, Bumble, or Any Other Dating App or Website (9781073149049)

This is Your Secret Weapon for Getting Girls on Tinder! Need some help getting girls on Tinder, Bumble, or another dating app you're using? Hi, my name is Zac Miller, and I've come up with a guide that will get your the matches, responses, and dates so you can finally find the girl of your dreams! We start at the beginning with fine tuning your profile, going over case studies on the perfect photos to employ to increase your matches. We then go over what and when to message girls so they want to talk to you. We go over how to get their number and Snapchat, and ultimately how to get them out onto a date. I even show you what to do after the date! Everything you need is included in this book! Here's What You'll Learn In This Book: Why meeting girls on dating apps makes dating a much easier, more enjoyable experience than going to a bar or club. (Page 5)Inexpensive ways to immediately improve your appearance. (Page 10)The most attractive male body type females are attracte

So wird's gemacht, VW Polo III 9/94 bis 10/01 : Pflegen - warten - reparieren (3768808971)

"So wird s gemacht" zeigt technisch interessierten Neu- und Gebrauchtwagenbesitzern, wie ihr Fahrzeug funktioniert und welche Wartungs- und Reparaturarbeiten sie selbst durchführen können. Der 97. Band der Reihe enthält Anleitungen zu Wartung und Reparatur des VW Polo 3 von 9/1994 bis 10/2001. Zahlreiche Abbildungen zeigen die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte. Störungstabellen helfen bei der Fehlersuche. Stromlaufpläne ermöglichen das schnelle Auffinden eines Fehlers in der elektrischen Anlage und helfen beim nachträglichen Einbau von Elektro-Zubehör. Hier finden Sie Angaben über Reparaturen rund ums Auto: - Fahrzeugwartung - Armaturen - Bremsanlage - Beleuchtungsanlage - Scheibenwischeranlage - Heizung/Klimatisierung - Wagenpflege - Abgasanlage - Getriebe - Kupplung - Achsen - Fahrwerk - Lenkung - Räder und Reifen - Karosserie - Innenausstattung - Motormanagement - Motormechanik - Motorkühlung - Kraftstoffanlage Behandelte Typen im Buch Benziner 1,0 l / 33 kW (45

Las Vegas Sidewinders : Dominic (9781530602551)

Sometimes age is just a number...Dom Gianni takes a lot of punishment in the hockey rink and it's a welcome penance for the guilt he lives with. Getting traded to the new NHL expansion team in Las Vegas sounds like the next level of hell in his already crumbling life, but he doesn't have a choice; this is his last shot. Molly McCarran is barely hanging on, certain her life will be cut short at the hand of her abusive husband. Death would be preferable to what she's endured the last twenty years. So when she's rescued by a sexy hockey player, who's more than a decade younger, she's confused about her feelings and skeptical of his intentions. When Dom witnesses Molly getting beaten up by her husband, he's ready to throw down his gloves and fight for her. If he can save her, maybe he can salvage himself too. But Molly isn't about to trust another man-and Dom is already skating on thin ice with his NHL-mandated probation. If she can learn to trust him and ho

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey (1302911635)

Like a Phoenix from the ashes, she will rise! Years ago, Jean Grey died at the hands of a villainous mutant - and the X-Men mourned her. But that was then - and in the years that have passed since that shocking loss, the world has changed. Jean's teammates have lived without her, and some have died without her. But now, when strange and mysterious events start happening all over the world, an unmistakable pattern forms, and Jean's friends and loved ones can only come to one startling conclusion. Impossible as it seems - the one true Jean Grey is back from the dead! COLLECTING: PHOENIX RESURRECTION: THE RETURN OF JEAN GREY 1-5 Product details Format Paperback | 136 pages

Catorce Hermanas de Emilio M. O'Brien, Las (9788472238251)

Margarita, la mayor de las catorce hijas del irlandés Nelson O´Brien, un fotógrafo poco corriente, y de la cubana Mariela Montez, una mujer sensible y aficionada a la poesía, nos cuenta cómo, en un soleado domingo de 1925, nace por fin en la familia un varón, Emilio, que crecerá en el alegre y sensual universo femenino que le rodea. Mientras Margarita va recordando el pintoresco pasado de sus padres, va también dando cuenta de los amores y las tragedias que van marcando su propia existencia poco común y la no menos excéntrica de sus trece hermanas. Sigue también de cerca las peripecias de Emilio en su época de bohemia, su paso por el ejército y finalmente por Hollywood, donde se convierte en actor de películas de serie B, codeándose con gran soltura y encanto con los grandes ídolos del cine de los años cuarenta y cincuenta. Poco a poco, el lector va descubriendo la hermosa y emocionante trama que hilvana esta historia múltiple y se siente llevado, entre sonrisas y lágrimas, a lo largo

The Murder of William of Norwich : The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe (9780190679194)

In 1144, the mutilated body of William of Norwich, a young apprentice leatherworker, was found abandoned outside the city's walls. The boy bore disturbing signs of torture, and a story spread that it was a ritual murder, performed by Jews in imitation of the Crucifixion as a mockery of Christianity. The outline of William's tale eventually gained currency far beyond Norwich, and the idea that Jews engaged in ritual murder became firmly rooted in the European imagination. E.M. Rose's engaging book delves into the story of William's murder and the notorious trial that followed to uncover the origin of the ritual murder accusation - known as the "blood libel" - in western Europe in the Middle Ages. Focusing on the specific historical context - 12th-century ecclesiastical politics, the position of Jews in England, the Second Crusade, and the cult of saints - and suspensefully unraveling the facts of the case, Rose makes a powerful argument for why the Norwich Jew

A Slip of the Keyboard : Collected Non-fiction (0552167746)

With a foreword by Neil Gaiman Terry Pratchett has earned a place in the hearts of readers the world over with his bestselling Discworld series - but in recent years he has become equally well-known and respected as an outspoken campaigner for causes including Alzheimer's research and animal rights. A Slip of the Keyboard brings together for the first time the finest examples of Pratchett's non fiction writing, both serious and surreal: from musings on mushrooms to what it means to be a writer (and why banana daiquiris are so important); from memories of Granny Pratchett to speculation about Gandalf's love life, and passionate defences of the causes dear to him. With all the humour and humanity that have made his novels so enduringly popular, this collection brings Pratchett out from behind the scenes of the Discworld to speak for himself - man and boy, bibliophile and computer geek, champion of hats, orang-utans and Dignity in Dying.

Antonio Gramsci (9788807227011)

Antonio Gramsci è, più di ogni altro, autore fecondamente "inattuale", dissonante rispetto allo spirito del nostro presente. A caratterizzare il rapporto che l'odierno tempo del fanatismo dell'economia intrattiene con Gramsci è, infatti, la volontà di rimuoverne la passione rivoluzionaria, l'ideale della creazione di una "città futura" sottratta all'incubo del capitalismo e della sua mercificazione universale. Risiede soprattutto "nell'attuale inattualità" della sua figura la difficoltà di ogni prospettiva che aspiri oggi a ereditare Gramsci e ad assimilare il suo messaggio: ossia ad assumere come orientamento del pensiero e dell'azione la sua indocilità ragionata, fondata sulla filosofia della praxis dei "Quaderni". Essa trova la sua espressione più magnifica nella condotta di vita gramsciana, nel suo impegno e nella sua coerenza - pagata con la vita - nella "lotta per una nuova cultura, cioè per un nuovo umanesimo&q

Besser Kochen MIT Jamie (3831010315)

Besser kochen: Jamie Oliver zeigt uns, wie leicht das ist, wenn man vom Könner lernt. Sein neues Buch bietet geballtes Küchenwissen und über 150 neue, fantastische Rezepte in einem Band. Von den wichtigen Arbeitsgeräten bis zur gekonnten Zubereitung, vom Umgang mit Meeresfrüchten bis zu den Fleischschnitten bei Rind, Schwein, Lamm und Geflügel zeigt er uns alles, worauf es beim Kochen ankommt. Und weil für Jamie Kochen und gesunde Ernährung untrennbar zusammengehören, erfahren wir von ihm ausführlich, wie man gute Qualität bei Lebensmitteln erkennt und richtig einkauft. Seine Grundrezepte und köstlichen Variationen zu Salaten, Pasta, Risotto, Fleisch, Fisch und Meeresfrüchten, Gemüse, Desserts und Kuchen sind wie immer verblüffend unkompliziert und unschlagbar gut. Jamies Kochschule ist Genuss von Anfang an: ausgestattet mit großartigen Food-Fotos und so sympathisch und mitreißend geschrieben, wie nur Jamie Oliver es kann! Product details

Alarga Tu Esperanza de Vida: Como La Ciencia Nos Ayuda a Controlar, Frenar Y Revertir El Proceso de Envejecimiento / Lifespan: Why We Age - And Why We Don't (9788425357107)

¿Y si envejecer fuera una enfermedad y fuese tratable como tal? Un aclamado científico de la facultad de Medicina de Harvard y una de las personas más influyentes según la revista Time. Que envejecer es inevitable es una verdad aparentemente innegable. pero, ¿qué pasaría si todo lo que se nos ha dicho hasta ahora sobre el envejecimiento resultase incierto?, ¿qué sucedería si pudiéramos elegir nuestra esperanza de vida? En este libro innovador y asombroso, el Dr. David Sinclair, autoridad mundial y líder en genética y longevidad, revela una nueva y audaz teoría. Como él explica, el envejecimiento es una enfermedad y es una enfermedad tratable. Experimentos recientes en la reprogramación genética sugieren que, en un futuro cercano, no solo podremos sentirnos más jóvenes, sino serlo. Mediante estas páginas, el Dr. Sinclair nos invita al proceso de descubrimiento científico y revela algunas tecnologías emergentes y algunos cambios simples en el estilo de vida que nos ayudarán a sentirnos m