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Download World on Fire : How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability (9780385721868)

The reigning consensus holds that the combination of free markets and democracy would transform the third world and sweep away the ethnic hatred and religious zealotry associated with underdevelopment. In this revelatory investigation of the true impact of globalization, Yale Law School professor Amy Chua explains why many developing countries are in fact consumed by ethnic violence after adopting free market democracy. Chua shows how in non-Western countries around the globe, free markets have concentrated starkly disproportionate wealth in the hands of a resented ethnic minority. These "market-dominant minorities" - Chinese in Southeast Asia, Croatians in the former Yugoslavia, whites in Latin America and South Africa, Indians in East Africa, Lebanese in West Africa, Jews in post-communist Russia - become objects of violent hatred. At the same time, democracy empowers the impoverished majority, unleashing ethnic demagoguery, confiscation, and sometimes genocidal revenge. She also argues that the United States has become the world's most visible market-dominant minority, a fact that helps explain the rising tide of anti-Americanism around the world. Chua is a friend of globalization, but she urges us to find ways to spread its benefits and curb its most destructive aspects.

Product details

  •  Paperback | 368 pages
  •  132 x 203 x 20mm | 335g
  •  06 Jan 2004
  •  Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
  •  Anchor Books
  •  New York, United States
  •  English
  •  Reprint
  •  0385721862
  •  9780385721868
  •  583,936

Download World on Fire : How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability (9780385721868).pdf, available at for free.



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