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Kenobi: Star Wars Legends (9780345546845)


The Republic has fallen.
Sith Lords rule the galaxy.
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has lost everything . . .
Everything but hope.

Tatooine--a harsh desert world where farmers toil in the heat of two suns while trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from the marauding Tusken Raiders. A backwater planet on the edge of civilized space. And an unlikely place to find a Jedi Master in hiding, or an orphaned infant boy on whose tiny shoulders rests the future of a galaxy.

Known to locals only as "Ben," the bearded and robed offworlder is an enigmatic stranger who keeps to himself, shares nothing of his past, and goes to great pains to remain an outsider. But as tensions escalate between the farmers and a tribe of Sand People led by a ruthless war chief, Ben finds himself drawn into the fight, endangering the very mission that brought him to Tatooine.

Ben--Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, hero of the Clone Wars, traitor to the Empire, and protector of the galaxy's last hope--can no more turn his back on evil than he can reject his Jedi training. And when blood is unjustly spilled, innocent lives threatened, and a ruthless opponent unmasked, Ben has no choice but to call on the wisdom of the Jedi--and the formidable power of the Force--in his never-ending fight for justice.

Praise for Kenobi: Star Wars

"Buy this book right now. . . . [This novel] manages to explore the depths of Ben Kenobi but still maintains the aura of mystery around his character."--Tosche Station

"Addictive, engrossing . . . wildly entertaining . . . There are plenty of twists, turns, and surprises. . . . John Jackson Miller creates a story that reaches new heights."--Roqoo Depot

"Brilliant . . . This is Star Wars fiction at its absolute best."--Examiner

"Enthralling . . . almost impossible to put down."--Eucantina

Product details

  • Paperback | 464 pages
  • 105 x 174 x 25mm | 227g
  • Del Rey Books
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • 0345546849
  • 9780345546845
  • 85,154

Download Kenobi: Star Wars Legends (9780345546845).pdf, available at for free.



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