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The Secret Principles of Genius : The Key to Unlocking Your Hidden Genius Potential (1537255495)

Unlock the Hidden Powers of Your Mind
These secret principles of genius have been hidden, lost, or even forgotten through time. They have played a critical role in the greatest achievements of humanity, yet most of us are unaware of them. Now, they are finally revealed. Internationally bestselling author I. C. Robledo has profiled the brightest minds to demonstrate why these secret principles are so important. Their lives range from time periods that span millennia and include a wide range of cultures, professions, and personalities. We will explore the intellect of icons such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Maria Montessori, and Sun Tzu. An important theme is that brilliant people have used these principles to accomplish what no one thought was possible. When everyone said "No", they still found a way to make it happen. What has become clear through the ages is that with the right principles, it is possible to tap into a potential that is limitless. Discover the Secret Principles Which Changed the Following Lives
Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance man who gave us the Mona Lisa and was so committed to learning the human form that he dissected cadavers Dr. Ben Carson, who grew up in a Detroit ghetto, yet he gained notoriety as a neurosurgeon for separating conjoined twins successfully Wolfgang Mozart, and the secret principle which played a major role in his incredible rise to stardom in the classical music scene Sun Tzu, whose timeless military wisdom has been applied in countless battles and beyond to business, law, and chess The late musical artist Prince, who played 27 musical instruments and had no tolerance for low standards Maria Montessori, who was ages ahead of her time with her revolutionary system for educating children Ben Underwood, a boy who learned to "see" the world despite having his eyes removed because of retinal cancer Many more brilliant minds and lives, and the secret principles they applied are discussed inside... Learn the life-changing Secret Principles of Genius to discover what you are truly capable of. Pick up your copy today by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking BUY NOW.

Product details

  • Paperback | 176 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 10mm | 268g
  • English
  • Illustrations, black and white
  • 1537255495
  • 9781537255491
  • 1,617,768

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